Replacing Clothes (Renaming)


This is the easiest way to stream clothing on your server:

1. Click on the table that suits better your needs. This is a GTAV clothing list. 

Female Clothes

Male Clothes


2. Choose the row you want to replace. It must has a similar number of variations as your files or more, otherwise some variations will not be seen in game. 


#: Number in game

VAR: Number of variations

Category meanings:

BERD: Masks

HAIR: Hair

UPPR: Upper Body/Hands

LOWR: Lower Body/Jeans

HAND: Bags & Parachutes

FEET: Shoes

TEEF: Scarfs & Chains

ACCS: Shirt & Accessory

TASK: Body Armor & Accessory 

DECL: Badges & Logos

JBIB: Shirt Overlay & Jackets


3. Rename your files in your documents as the table.

We are using this example:


The name below BERD: 147 will be the first part of the name and the numbers below BERD will be the last part of the name file. 

All the files be renamed like this:

mp_f_freemode_01^teef_002_u.ydd <---- Always add  "_u" at the end

mp_f_freemode_01^teef_diff_002_a_uni.ytd <----- Always add "(letter)_uni" at the end of the names




Rename the .ytds by alphabet from a to z, you can have max. 26 textures per clothing.


4. Drag and drop on your clothing stream folder and restart your server. You are done!

As the column # says. it will be the item number 2 in masks category inside your server.




1. For reactive skin clothing files (Clothes that has skin), need to be renamed with _r at the end of the .ydd file and with _whi at the end of the .ytd file.

mp_f_freemode_01^feet_000_r.ydd <---- Add  "_r" at the end

mp_f_freemode_01^teef_diff_000_a_whi.ytd <----- Add "(letter)_whi" at the end of the names


2. For heels always replace for another heels in game. You can take a look in this website which ones are heels in game (Credits to Tobii). 


Unmark everything and mark Female and FEET boxes.